Monday 9 January 2012

Walk before you run

Walk before you run is a great metaphor for FMS based exercise protocols. Traditionally it was thought that if you train someone, their movement will improve at the same time. This is not really the case. All you are doing is reinforcing the faulty movement patterns that exist, increasing the already imbalanced stress on your joints, ligaments, and muscles, and potentially increasing your chance of sustaining an injury. How many times have you heard this old gem; practice makes perfect. Let's blow this one up right now. If you are repeating the same faulty movements over and over while you train/practice and expect something to change or improve you are going to be disappointed. In fact, that is the very definition of insanity; repeating the same thing, expecting different results. So try this mantra on for size; practicing perfect makes perfect. Thanks to the person that thought this one up! Think about it, or better yet, think about it during your workout. Now it is about quality of movement, not quantity of movement. Being able to do a bunch of pushups is meaningless and a waste of your time if you aren't reinforcing the proper movement patterns and muscle recruitment. Who has time to waste? Sometimes you have to go back, re-learn the fundamentals, before you can move forward efficiently and effectively. FMS can help you do that.

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